Astrology: The First Meeting Chart


First meeting


One year ago today… or so I made the chart.  Meeting someone online does make for a difficult call on when the chart is cast for.  Whose location and time zone do you use?  When is the meet moment?  Many times there is public interaction but not really a meet.  Is it when first contact is made privately?  I went with private contact  of acknowledgement… when he answered back after I sent first PM.   The other consideration is is it when they first start typing or when they hit send or what I used, when the acknowledgement was seen by me, my location and my time zone… and being an Astrologer, it was recorded.

Today also happens to be my Venus Return and Mercury tags along in conjunction.  It coincides with the Transit Sun conjunct my Natal Mercury and Mars.  Transit Moon is conjunct my Natal Pluto (and his Natal Ascendant) Even the asteroids are having a romantic tryst.  It is no wonder that my focus is on this chart today.


The first glance of the chart did not look so busy as I did not include the outers in viewing it.  I was not familiar with his chart yet so did not see the correlations to his life.  My own chart’ like the back of my hand and did note first the synastry between the first meet and my own Natals.  The Axis are with in a few degrees of my own.(Later to see his progressed Axis are the same at this time) The first Meet chart the Sun is conjunct my Natal Mercury and Mars (later to see his Mercury/Mars Midpoint and 5th house cusp) Meeting Chart Venus is on my Ascendant (his Juno and progressed IC, Progressed Sun, Venus, and Mercury).  Pluto in Meet chart is conjunct my South Node (and his solar arc Venus) Saturn in the Meet chart is conjunct  + 2 Neptune and MC on one side, Juno on the other (+4 conjunct his Venus) Later I did find that the chart’s Uranus opposes his own… midlife crises.

^ Just in what is going on there, is the cause of much of my unease.  More unease to come as it is time to read the chart.

The Sun and Venus are prominent in this chart, the synodic cycle with these planets are often used to characterize a relationship between a male and female; the dance if you will.  They are both attracted to each other traveling through the same sign… a shared depositor Saturn.  Usually we shudder with Saturn, but with relationships the limiting factor is usually a positive point.  Like a slow burning ember of cozy, practical, predictable. steady relation.  This the steadfast quality we usually are looking for after the earlier the flash fire of hormones burns out.  Venus and the Sun ( Both in dignity being on the ascendant) are mutually aiming for a sextile to Saturn.  Progressing the chart for a few days we see Venus retrograde… this was something I did not want to go through… I had given up any type of love… and Venus under the beams of the sun promised pain (and there was some as I am learning to deal with myself and past mistakes)  The path is through the 12th house, and there has been confronting (Sun shining a light on) of behavior… mostly on my part.  Who gets to Saturn first?  Cazimi conjunction to Saturn… Venus (me) is in the Heart of the Sun (him)  Venus is encouraged to act as herself with the warmth and protection of the Sun… they are one unit of mutual love and respect as they hit that steady place promised by Saturn (Saturnalia  The harvest after hard work and overcoming difficulties/ lessons learned and a graduation.)  Additionally, I should point out Eros conjunct Saturn *wink*.   I could not have imagined this is what I would find, yet did know I would.

The Moon in the 3rd house is lacking aspects except conjunct the Part of Fortune.  Not mentioned above, the Moon is conjunct my Natal Moon.  The South Node is a – 2 conjunction.  Being this is a relationship type chart, I am apt to take the interpretation of that which is known and comfortable/ possible past life connection.  If nothing else, with the PoF it is a strong destiny connection.  Travel may be an additional factor other than the strong placement of communication and nurturing as the strong characteristics. Note the Moon placement is close to the IC cusp.  There is a feeling of being at home with each other whether literally or figuratively.  The Moon makes a supportive sextile to Neptune conjunct Juno (A strong Spiritual connection and an immediate belief we belong together.)

Saturn being the planet being applied to and in the 10th house, we should expect that career and possibly working in partnership is a real possibility.  Natally, we both have 12th house placements which keeps us out of the spot light, but together there is an expectation the relation has public eyes on it… and that has happened, even if only here for the whole wide WWW to read this blog.

There is some friction in the chart, but not very strong when including personal, composite charts to overlay on this one.

I can say this chart frightened me, as have all the other ones… composite, Davison, personas, progressed, Arc Directions, profections… even Astrocartography… they all say the same thing.    And after fighting the fears I can say I never been more content.


When I saw you I fell in love. And you smiled because you knew.~ Arrigo Boito



Astrology, the best gift I ever gave myself

Celebrating the Holidays

I make no bones about it; I am as messed up as the next guy.  We all have our quirks instilled upon our first breath… And lucky us, it is recorded there in the Natal chart.  Though there maybe multiple ways to interpret every situation, Astrology allows us to own our own projections.  Every reaction we have to others is a direct reflection of how we filter our own issues.

It is no surprise that I work with relationship Astrology. having  intercepted houses in the Acsendant/Decendant.  Venus (planet of value and assigned love itself) is trapped in Aquarius in the first (house of self) as is Saturn and the Anti-Vertex.  Leo is intercepted in the seventh (house of partner) with the Vertex.  Sigh, PofF and PofS are on the Decendant.  Juno and Pallas conjunct the MC along with Neptune.  Lets break this down.

Aquarius and Leo are the them and me pair.  They are sandwiched in the first and seventh…the me and them houses.  Relating to others has always been a mystery for me.  Childhood presented mixed messages that never felt right.  I could go through the motions but have always felt detached.  Looking at the rulers of those houses for relief there is Saturn in Aquarius… locked in that interception.Saturn has only one aspect, an ironic square to the MC and Neptune… could it get worse?  Why yes, the Sabian Symbol is, ” A Disappointed And Disillusioned Woman Courageously Faces A Seemingly Empty Life”.  With Modern Astrology the ruler is Uranus… and still not promising as it is on the cusp of eighth (others resources and psychological deaths cycles) conjunct Pluto. opposed Chiron, and the leg and Apex of two YODs.  Encyclopedia of Astrology gives Virgo 11 degree to Astrology, so maybe that is a clue.  Nicholas deVore also gives the degrees of the vertex and anti-vertex as Astrology degrees … Alan Leo goes one step further giving 27 degree of Leo the degree of the reincarnated Astrologer.  Leo is ruled by the Sun which is hidden in my twelfth house.with a lunar opposition and the base to a Tsquare.  The ruler is Saturn so again on that never-ending merry-go-round. Jupiter could be the break away with that Tsquare and it drags along Venus (her only aspect other than the YODS) with a sextile and acting out of the interception.  For a strong willed individual it is embarrassing to see Juno, Pallas,Neptune all conjunct on the MC.  Yes, I am a career wife (watch out Elizabeth Taylor, I may break your record)  A partnership is the focus of who I am… insult to injury the Part of Fortune and Part of Spirit on the DC (the partner)  But I can not seem to get it right!  I am giving that to Neptune in being involved with dishonesty, drugs, and delusion from partners.  What easier way to stay detached?

It is all of it, not one nice and neat slice.  I have plenty of issues to work through.  And usually that is the last place we look, at ourselves when pursuing a relationship.  Our primordial need to relate over shadows our logic.  When asked, “when will I meet my soulmate?” my answer is, “are you the person you would look for in a soulmate?”  We have our own internal world to contend with, are you ready to offer your best you?  And more important are you ready to accept them as they are?  I should listen to myself.

I am fortunate to have found my best friend.  There are rough spots and when I mentally retract the finger pointing at him and look to why I have a reaction, always the problem has been me all along.  Astrology is the vehicle I am using to understand the me that is mirrored back.  The interception is opening up when finally getting I see me in you. And most important, to love you I must love me and to love me I must love you.

Jupiter Retrograde in Leo: Own the Beast

retro own
Jupiter is now Retrograde at 22 degrees Leo until April 2015 at 12 degrees Leo.  As with most retrogrades, we have an immediate reaction of dread and imagined horrors.  With this one involving the giant expansive jovial Jupiter in the sign known for decadent dramatic theatrics as some of its lesser desired traits Leo, the imagination can go wild… big Jupiter super sized wild.

Lets start with the concept of a retrograde.  The planet retrograde itself is in an illusion of moving backwards when in reality it is the Earth that is moving forward faster.  We are on the inside track and looking in the rear view mirror (ironically, I just corrected ‘rear view’ from the original spelling I used of ‘review’) and instead of noting our acceleration, we think we see the planet going backwards.  It is from our own egocentric perspective, hence the degrees move backwards on that scale.  Perspective is arbitrary … like our Universal agreement that North is up.

In Astrology, we use a retrograde period as a time for review and correction.  Think of getting a graded rough draft back with all the mistakes underlined in effort to polish the final draft.  Now look at the signs, degrees, and planet involved.  Compare to other transits going on (like that nasty Pluto Uranus square) and then apply it to your own charts.  This time the planet is Jupiter.  Jupiter is a benefic planet.  Imagine Jupiter’s lexicon:  expansive, jovial, excess, abundance, monetary etc… and ruler over rewards, global,and anything over the top (as a short list).  Leo brings to mind government heads, royalty, regal, loyal, dramatic, brave, ego, drama, you get the idea.
Do we see this energy today outside ourselves?  Not surprising we may visit another government shut down very soon.  And this is a perfect example of the retrograde in action.  We get to revisit the shut down threat again.  Dramatic actions that cripple economics.  The argument being is the purpose to contain monitary spending (Jupiter retrograde = limiting) or more about the threat of withholding (Jupiter retrograde) functioning income.  The last round our countries treasures (National Parks) and the civil workers (non ruling class) and programs were impacted.  Did we learn?  Some did, listening to the political babble of the parkway, but not all.  I hope that the review case will have us wondering how we were involved with the voting process and how our representation gets us to this point.  The Uranus Pluto square is ripe to coincide through out this retrograde.

Now lets look personally, yeech.  Where is transit Jupiter landing in your chart?  What aspects is it making to natal, return, solar arc, progressions… and in relationship charts?  If it is squaring say Mercury… has communication painted you as a braggart and a preoccupation of self?  Opposing your Moon… putting too much of an emphasis on your own needs?  Overeating as emotional compensation? With a hard Venus aspect, have you been over extending your bank account and living beyond your needs?  The key is apply grace and compromise.  Leo has beautiful traits of elegance and diplomacy at hand.  Jupiter is also known for generosity and inclusion.  Focus on applying those traits.  Remember less is more.


Looking at the composite chart between a friend and I, Jupiter is transiting the 3rd house.  We have had a flurry of communication this last year.  At 20 degrees of Leo Jupiter was opposed my Saturn, his Mars and Vertex in the synastry chart (his 6th my 1st)  The opposition coincided with my limiting my own vitality and I have to assume a melancholy affecting him (astrology assumption) and conversations would wane.  This spot will be revisited again soon and then a third time when Jupiter goes direct.  Last night I went on a rant about what has been bothering me (Leo over dramatic… I even had my own one man play going… and Jupiter/I kept going on and on) So viewing through the 3rd house of the Composite… it was time to go back and talk about how and why I got to where I did.  It is never just one chart, they are all effected and need to be considered.

Everything in moderation, consider others in looking at self interest, and an elegant grace and respect required.  Scale it back from larger than life and all should be good.


Transit Uranus and Pluto tightening the Square

Tommie Smith and John Carlos
John Carlos and Tommie Smith 1968 Olympics

There are some ugly skies out there.  Uranus that demands freedom, revolts, progression, brotherhood and Pluto that methodically wears away outdated structure, insists on transformation, a rebirth after destruction.  They both insist on change of the status quo.  Though Uranus favors a more understanding approach of goodwill coming together for a cause, expect the unexpected flash of movement that can be the catalyst of violence.  Pluto is more interested in having us face exposure… nothing has been buried deep enough for Pluto not to dig up.  When the two are in hard aspect…  Think of a fault line.  All of the consistent, relentless over a period of time pressure building up (like Pluto energy) and the Uranian explosive moment when the threshold has been reached.  And we are then forced to clean up and rebuild, better than before… or in some cases, walk away, nothing to salvage.


The last hard aspect these two had been involved in was the 60’s conjunction in Virgo.  As it was a conjunction, it sets off a cycle until the two conjunct again (not in this lifetime)  The sixties set the tone of social revolution.    We visit and revise with hard aspects between these two planets.  I chose the photo of John Carlos for this blog as the I was reminded when seeing the Saint Louis Ram’s players peacefully protest/give support of the “hands up, don’t shoot” solidarity.  For the hard won Civil Liberties of the 60’s , we see the Supreme Court dissolved Voter protections this round of hard aspects.  There is a frustration that is at critical mass.


The Uranus Leo, Pluto Taurus Square in the 1870’s gave us a time in the United States coincided with the regulating of Native Americans to reservations.  It ushered in the Battle of Little Big Horn.  Native Americans were moved off the land of the Black Hills when gold was discovered (seeing the greed reminiscent of our economic break down when this current square formed a few years ago?)  Racial rioting took place in South Carolina that year had the president send in Federal troops.  And Uranus, being Uranus we also saw Bell’s telephone patented and the first usage, female pilots emerged, Edward Bouchet, the first black to receive a PhD from an American University, Edison’s mimeograph unveiled, and new records of time with the Transcontinental railway.


How are these planets going to effect us personally?  Take a look at your own chart.  Any planet or point at the 12 degree (take 3 plus minus orbs)in a cardinal sign;  You will feel this internal angst.  But, the Solar system did not stop there.  We just had a Full Moon of Gemini.  All mutable placements at any degree will have a rough weekend surrounding emotions.  And add on top, not only the Sun, Mercury, and Venus get an opposition in Transit.  Saturn is slowly forming a square to Neptune out there.  Stay on guard for deceptions especially own delusions if you have hard aspects to either.  Did I mention how beat up Chiron is getting in Transit.  I am thinking hiding under a blanket eating cake may be the solution…. but not that either because Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction) are square…. and you can see how that plays out for you against your own chart.


I thought I was going to breeze through this weekend…. but no, hot mess here.  I do feel the pressure build up of this square, and am ready for a shake up in my own life and then pick up the pieces.  What pushed it was the full Moon…. I thought I was relatively immune to the movement through Gemini…. I only have two planets in mutable signs….. and OMG, it is the Uranus Pluto conjunction I have!  I have that conjunct a close friend’s Ascendant, so he gets that energy volatility (sorry).  My son has his Sun in Gemini and rising in Sagittarius and went on an unexpected travel adventure…. and scarey as it was, he navigated the circumstances beautifully.  The Saturn square with Neptune was the same old same old.  My Neptune and Saturn dealings have been and always will be as life long adversaries… but was a little more disillusion than normal when the Transit Sun and full Moon squared it…. or was I?  Maybe it was clarity from the fog at that moment and am lost again.  Now I am writing this as Mercury is frying up conjunct the Sun…Why would I do that?  Neptune whispers it is okay (delusional bastard)  I am hoping Cazimi when I hit “post”.



The Second House in Relationship Astrology

Garry Winogrand photography
Garry Winogrand Photography


The second house in astrology is known as the house of values.  With natal astrology we usually go right to possessions; what is important, ease of acquiring, additional information pertaining to income from MC.  It also gives us an idea of what is found sensual (pleasing to the five senses).   This is a house of art, music, and beauty.  Often overlooked is our spiritual, political, and social values.


In synastry or composite, you would think lots of planets located there gives for an easier compatible ride to the mall.   Not so fast.  Look, we both like to buy furniture…. but one may like grand overstuffed antiques the other bare minimal lines of futuristic designs.  We both love music!  But one soft classical the other car shaking progressive rock.  We both have strong religious values; but one alternative teachings and the other a fundamental basis.  Oh yes, the second house emphasized will draw attention to these values often, but it does not mean beyond the outlook; that they are processed individually.


One clue to compatibility is look at the native’s eighth house and see if it reflects your own second house and vise versa.  The eighth house is the house of partner’s resources.  It is also the seventh (Partner) house turned second house.   This tells us what the partner brings to the table.  When comparing to an others chart in partnership, I expect to see the same theme is played out in their own second house.   It may be the planets themselves, progressions, or transits… especially of the outers that linger on and on.  A quick look at the lords and what they are up to gives more detail.

When in composite the second house is loaded, compare to the natives charts.  Ideally Mercury will be strong in their composite and in synastry.  This is a house that we need to be able to communicate about.  Most break ups happen due to communication break down and most often over things that we value.





Astrology, It Just Happens

Photographs (14)
It is what it is.  Working with relationship astrology, contacts from clients come in when there is a conflict of will with another.  I applaud when looking for understanding and solutions that involve the self.  Often astrology is looked at instead as a way to control a situation or other person.  In a funny way, there is an underlying belief that we can control the cycle of centrifugal force within the Universe.  We are all subject to physics, like it or not.


Why does horary work?  And read by a good Astrologer, it does.   Astrology is not wrong, but interpreting often is.  The question is asked and seen as the birthchart of the question.  As we are looking for applications of planets, we are looking at transits to that chart.  Solar Arcs, progressions. natal. mundane…. all bound by the same principle.  Astrology is a record of time, future, present, past.


We live through experiences in order to arrive at new ones.  One door closes another pops open.  None of us have been late for a transit or a solar arc exploding.  You will be where you need to be.  And you have to expect that for the other person also.  So we are left with know your own self and your boundaries.  Learn to say fuck it I do not care.  It is what it is.  You can either choose to live with it or move on.  ~ spoken by my Aquarius Venus



Conjunctions Part II (in Relationships)

In the previous conjunction blog, it is pointed out that a conjunction in the Natal chart can be seen as a hybrid planet with the combined natures that function in a manner that you can not tell where one lets off and the other begins.  The same principle is seen with conjunctions between individuals in the Composite and Davison charts as they view the relationship itself as an individual entity.  Synastry and Predictive charts are a bit different.  Most important to remember is that the conjunct is a hard aspect.  Even though it is desirable in Synastry to have benefic planets conjunct, even those can wear away to irritation from the constant focus and contact.

It is imperative with a conjunction taking place between two individuals to note the nature, the dignity, and the location of the houses involved.  When looking on an Internet search, you will find very basic information about what will take place when two planets are conjunct.  Rarely do they note, this can swing from heaven to hell at any given time.  Keep in mind with the slower outer in a conjunction, the person with a personal planet involved has this same aspect with most of the generation that is represented with the outer.  In that instance the personal planet native will have lived through this often and hopefully learned experience on how to deal with others already.

The conjunction of Venus and Mars is often considered the Holy Grail in romantic relationship charts.  First we need to recognize there are numerous attributes for each planet and the combination will be found in various types of relationships.  With Venus, think of the different things that are represented:  Values, the arts, sensual perception, beauty, an unconditional peaceful love.  Now, think of Mars:  Aggression, warrior, drive, physical, combativeness.  The list goes on for both.  The ancient astrologers did not use this combination of planets to signal compatibility, it is a modern concept reflective of the Romantic era of women needing to be saved as princesses and males needing to prove bravery and skill to win over favors or just expect it as the spoils of war.  It is great if they get along, but the natures are different enough that a conjunction will cause friction.

My two children have Venus and Mars in an exact conjunction.  They really are the best of friends.  Her Mars is in Gemini in the third house; His Venus in Gemini in the 7th.  With the houses we have communication in the 3rd and partnership (and open enemies) The communications are often and loud.  Mars in the third and in Gemini, she talks like a sailor peppering with often violent threats (she is all talk) and they have always been partners in crime, hatching one scheme after another.  And the scwabbles are loud also. often wishing death on one each other.  Wait a few moments and they are best friends working against you as a team.  I have heard my son at 3 ask Santa for a Lego dinosaur that would eat his sister, but at the same age expected his sister to help him learn to swim.  They would play outdoors together so well and devolve into her putting a plastic bag over his head.  They are adults now and this Halloween they  hatched a plot to take her son out trick or treating and when getting back broke into the expected fight over candy.

My ex and I shared conjunct natal planet with each other in a synastry conjunction.  I have Mars conjunct Mercury at 19 degrees Capricorn conjunct from the 12th to my Ascendent.  He has Venus conjunct the Moon at the same degree in the 8th house.  8th house is others resources and also the house of death and anguish.  The two planets he had there show income from women, and being Venus is in her fall and the Moon in detriment was very passive manipulations.  Mars is exalt and Mercury taking the nature of Mars (both in dignity of being conjunct the ascendent) there was alot of taking care of resources given by me.  The fights were often and loud.  I had the upper hand with dignities.  Capricorn insists on mastery, and we did that, we mastered destroying each other.  I found the insurance policy (8th house theme) I did not know about and some other behaviors and it clicked, it was never about me, it was about the money.  His Venus and Moon landing in the 12th, close to the Ascendent does give the undoing and trauma of the 12th and how I physically dealt with the pain.  Again, the Ascendent being the attraction and his planets in such bad shape there, it has not dawned on me until recently he enjoyed being treated as a victim and would twist things around to believe he was.  (more issues from the 6th to back that up)   I think this is when I learned, a little knowledge is disastrous with astrology.  And transits….  I should have seen it,  I had Saturn in the 7th and he had Pluto there.

You can run, but you can not hide from the transit



You cannot out run a transit. It will not be denied; none of us are exempt the laws of the Universe. We can be forewarned of the energies a foot, but it is impossible not to be affected. Depending on the Natal, Progressed, Solar Arc, or return charts the concentration of the energy will be more potent for some. When dealing with the energy between two charts combined, such as the Composite, issues compound.
Astrologer Robert Hand wrote an article that I read at Astrodienst. I am unable to locate it now years later, but the message so eye opening, I can fairly be sure to paraphrase the idea accurately. He wrote about a consultation in where he was dreading informing the client in what to expect and had been experienced with a current Neptune transit on the MC/IC axis (career/home). With the usual bad transit with Neptune in her personal chart, he gave the litany of the planet of illusions: Homelessness, deceptions, addictions, etc. She surprised him by saying it was one of her most successful years. It turned out she was an actress (Neptune rules acting and the film industry… so that fit) the play that brought her the success is one of the fall of an addict. She still lived through the lessons of Neptune everyday on stage.
So how a transit will play out may be something we can work with sometimes. This is the fundamental basis of election (event) astrology. A particular example is when I was working a fundraiser. Jupiter was in detriment and retrograde. I knew there would be smaller donations and using the retrograde, went back (Retrograde) to previous donors and had an appreciation dinner for them. It was not hand over fist donations made, but more than was expected and the good cheer from a party atmosphere insured future donations some time when the skies were friendlier. There usually is a way to prepare or lighten the energy, sometimes.
I have been slacking off with prediction astrology lately and am instead recording the time thing happen and go back to visit those charts. Lately, I want to be desperately sure that I am not influencing an outcome known as a self-fulfilled prophesies. This week we had Mars and Pluto conjunct in transit at 11 degrees of Capricorn. Uranus is forming a tight square with both of those planets. The usual round up of suspects with those planets and the friction of a square are:. Rioting, explosions, earthquakes, violence, unexpected situations etc… Mundane, it affects us all. A look at your own chart will have you see how personal it will be. And I have the South Node (all that undesired and yuck… Modern astrology gives us karma and past lives) at 11 Capricorn in the 12th house (self-undoing, hidden, treacherous, imprisoned, grief etc…) and a very close friend told me that he had almost been run over twice. Naturally, I went to his charts to see if it was there. Uranus is in Aries Transit and in his 8th hose; the 8th house Lord is Mars. Mars is conjunct his Vertex… so, not just a very serious close call, but one that was destined to take place. Then I noticed his Solar Arc Venus at 11 degrees Capricorn. As it is conjunct my South Node, I was going to feel the repercussions of the arc exploding. Oh and I had. I was rendered speechless. I had to face a vulnerability of my own emotions even though he was fine. A few days later The Moon hit 11 degrees of Cancer, an opposition to the other transits and his Venus solar arc. I have been an emotional mess, and his arc, I probably upset his balance at least. I have been running through my head exactly what the implications of knowing each other meant. Then the Moon hit Leo at 3 degrees. His Natal Saturn, Progressed Moon and Saturn and Solar arc North Node at 3 degree Taurus, All hit by the square. I had just asked about a life or death question that was bothering me and must have hit him hard too. (Saturn limitations, Moon emotions, and North Node life purpose. It has been a draining time and am writing this as he has a Lunar return going over my Vertex in the 7th and a charged Solar Arc Moon.


Often the transit plays out in different areas of life at the same time. I had gone to the dentist the day Mars was an exact hit. I had a tooth root that pushed against the sinuses causing infections (Uranus rules infections in the blood) in the office were x-rays (Pluto) lots of needles (Mars) and the trauma of the tissue going back to the violent theme. Then off to have some moles removed off my cheek and nose. More needles (Mars), an unexpected (Uranus) need to skin punch (like a cookie cutter) one, stitches (Mars) and laboratory (Pluto) and the trauma that left me looking like a prize fighter the square and nature of those planet together.
Had so many personal planets not been involved, we might be discussing a paper cut instead.

Conjunctions in the Charts Part I


When two or more planets are in conjunction it behooves to think of them as one hybrid planet instead. The energies are so intertwined, to try to separate them becomes impossible the closer the conjunction orb. Think of it as conjoined twins. Some surgeries can separate, but closer orbs would be lethal as they share vital organs and one needs the other in order to even exist.
It is important to remember (Except in Horary where a conjunct is perfection) that the conjunct is a hard aspect. Being much preferred over a square or opposition, the conjunction brings a harmony in blending and understanding and it also brings a spot on the chart that cannot be escaped. Problems compound and the same theme repeated over and over droning on and on. There are easier conjunctions, well less hard ones, with declination or antiscion conjunction.

With a Natal chart example from my own chart, I have Mercury moving retrograde and mutual application with Mars in 4 minutes. I am lucky that aspects to them are all fortunate. Being in Capricorn, Mars has the benefit of being exalt. Mercury mimics in a conjunction and Joys being in the first and they both get dignity being on the Ascendant. Looking at the houses ruled by either planet shows the repetitive theme. The third house has Aries on the cusp whose ruler is Mars. The third represents our siblings. So we look back to where Mars is in the chart and BAM right there is Mercury. I have two siblings, a younger sister (fire signs with Sun on her Ascendant… behaves in an Aries fashion) and a Gemini brother. The third also rules communication, so the Mars is blended again with Mercury. I do speak directly and write with conviction. I also grew up bilingual. The fifth house rules over hobbies, children and love affairs (sex). Gemini is on the cusp of the fifth with ruler planet being Mercury. I have two children, a fie sign daughter with an Aries rising and a Gemini son. People would often confuse them as twins. They both have ADHD Mercury mischief and Mars destruction. Hobbies include breeding (sexual aspect of the fifth) and reading about sexual matters and criminal actions and games and sports. As for the physical action itself, my Sun is in the twelfth, I do not kiss and tell, but look at Mercury and Mars representation and you can conclude. The eighth house has Virgo on the cusp with the ruler Mercury. The eighth represents decay, death, joint income with a partner. Modern astrology wants to include sex for this house, I myself do not, but if you are inclined to do so, it works this time as the fifth has the same ruler as the eighth, Mercury. I am going to gloss over this one house a bit. I do not think worrying about a future death is in anyone’s interest. I am sure it will involve those conjunct planets in representation. Uranus and Pluto are conjunct in the eighth also, so expect an interesting story in the end. The tenth house and MC are in Scorpio. The traditional ruling planet being Mars and Neptune is right there on the MC. Even though my career options often have a Neptunian feel, Mercury and Mars always figure prominently. I have had Saturn transiting it lately so not sure what it is I plan on doing next. I have studied in computers, love the idea of writing, mentioned the other day I should get a degree in another language. What I do know with those two planets conjunct and other factors in my chart along with experience, it most likely shows a partnership.

Part Two, conjunctions in relationship charts will be poste with in the week.