Astrology: The First Meeting Chart


First meeting


One year ago today… or so I made the chart.  Meeting someone online does make for a difficult call on when the chart is cast for.  Whose location and time zone do you use?  When is the meet moment?  Many times there is public interaction but not really a meet.  Is it when first contact is made privately?  I went with private contact  of acknowledgement… when he answered back after I sent first PM.   The other consideration is is it when they first start typing or when they hit send or what I used, when the acknowledgement was seen by me, my location and my time zone… and being an Astrologer, it was recorded.

Today also happens to be my Venus Return and Mercury tags along in conjunction.  It coincides with the Transit Sun conjunct my Natal Mercury and Mars.  Transit Moon is conjunct my Natal Pluto (and his Natal Ascendant) Even the asteroids are having a romantic tryst.  It is no wonder that my focus is on this chart today.


The first glance of the chart did not look so busy as I did not include the outers in viewing it.  I was not familiar with his chart yet so did not see the correlations to his life.  My own chart’ like the back of my hand and did note first the synastry between the first meet and my own Natals.  The Axis are with in a few degrees of my own.(Later to see his progressed Axis are the same at this time) The first Meet chart the Sun is conjunct my Natal Mercury and Mars (later to see his Mercury/Mars Midpoint and 5th house cusp) Meeting Chart Venus is on my Ascendant (his Juno and progressed IC, Progressed Sun, Venus, and Mercury).  Pluto in Meet chart is conjunct my South Node (and his solar arc Venus) Saturn in the Meet chart is conjunct  + 2 Neptune and MC on one side, Juno on the other (+4 conjunct his Venus) Later I did find that the chart’s Uranus opposes his own… midlife crises.

^ Just in what is going on there, is the cause of much of my unease.  More unease to come as it is time to read the chart.

The Sun and Venus are prominent in this chart, the synodic cycle with these planets are often used to characterize a relationship between a male and female; the dance if you will.  They are both attracted to each other traveling through the same sign… a shared depositor Saturn.  Usually we shudder with Saturn, but with relationships the limiting factor is usually a positive point.  Like a slow burning ember of cozy, practical, predictable. steady relation.  This the steadfast quality we usually are looking for after the earlier the flash fire of hormones burns out.  Venus and the Sun ( Both in dignity being on the ascendant) are mutually aiming for a sextile to Saturn.  Progressing the chart for a few days we see Venus retrograde… this was something I did not want to go through… I had given up any type of love… and Venus under the beams of the sun promised pain (and there was some as I am learning to deal with myself and past mistakes)  The path is through the 12th house, and there has been confronting (Sun shining a light on) of behavior… mostly on my part.  Who gets to Saturn first?  Cazimi conjunction to Saturn… Venus (me) is in the Heart of the Sun (him)  Venus is encouraged to act as herself with the warmth and protection of the Sun… they are one unit of mutual love and respect as they hit that steady place promised by Saturn (Saturnalia  The harvest after hard work and overcoming difficulties/ lessons learned and a graduation.)  Additionally, I should point out Eros conjunct Saturn *wink*.   I could not have imagined this is what I would find, yet did know I would.

The Moon in the 3rd house is lacking aspects except conjunct the Part of Fortune.  Not mentioned above, the Moon is conjunct my Natal Moon.  The South Node is a – 2 conjunction.  Being this is a relationship type chart, I am apt to take the interpretation of that which is known and comfortable/ possible past life connection.  If nothing else, with the PoF it is a strong destiny connection.  Travel may be an additional factor other than the strong placement of communication and nurturing as the strong characteristics. Note the Moon placement is close to the IC cusp.  There is a feeling of being at home with each other whether literally or figuratively.  The Moon makes a supportive sextile to Neptune conjunct Juno (A strong Spiritual connection and an immediate belief we belong together.)

Saturn being the planet being applied to and in the 10th house, we should expect that career and possibly working in partnership is a real possibility.  Natally, we both have 12th house placements which keeps us out of the spot light, but together there is an expectation the relation has public eyes on it… and that has happened, even if only here for the whole wide WWW to read this blog.

There is some friction in the chart, but not very strong when including personal, composite charts to overlay on this one.

I can say this chart frightened me, as have all the other ones… composite, Davison, personas, progressed, Arc Directions, profections… even Astrocartography… they all say the same thing.    And after fighting the fears I can say I never been more content.


When I saw you I fell in love. And you smiled because you knew.~ Arrigo Boito



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