Astrology: The First Meeting Chart


First meeting


One year ago today… or so I made the chart.  Meeting someone online does make for a difficult call on when the chart is cast for.  Whose location and time zone do you use?  When is the meet moment?  Many times there is public interaction but not really a meet.  Is it when first contact is made privately?  I went with private contact  of acknowledgement… when he answered back after I sent first PM.   The other consideration is is it when they first start typing or when they hit send or what I used, when the acknowledgement was seen by me, my location and my time zone… and being an Astrologer, it was recorded.

Today also happens to be my Venus Return and Mercury tags along in conjunction.  It coincides with the Transit Sun conjunct my Natal Mercury and Mars.  Transit Moon is conjunct my Natal Pluto (and his Natal Ascendant) Even the asteroids are having a romantic tryst.  It is no wonder that my focus is on this chart today.


The first glance of the chart did not look so busy as I did not include the outers in viewing it.  I was not familiar with his chart yet so did not see the correlations to his life.  My own chart’ like the back of my hand and did note first the synastry between the first meet and my own Natals.  The Axis are with in a few degrees of my own.(Later to see his progressed Axis are the same at this time) The first Meet chart the Sun is conjunct my Natal Mercury and Mars (later to see his Mercury/Mars Midpoint and 5th house cusp) Meeting Chart Venus is on my Ascendant (his Juno and progressed IC, Progressed Sun, Venus, and Mercury).  Pluto in Meet chart is conjunct my South Node (and his solar arc Venus) Saturn in the Meet chart is conjunct  + 2 Neptune and MC on one side, Juno on the other (+4 conjunct his Venus) Later I did find that the chart’s Uranus opposes his own… midlife crises.

^ Just in what is going on there, is the cause of much of my unease.  More unease to come as it is time to read the chart.

The Sun and Venus are prominent in this chart, the synodic cycle with these planets are often used to characterize a relationship between a male and female; the dance if you will.  They are both attracted to each other traveling through the same sign… a shared depositor Saturn.  Usually we shudder with Saturn, but with relationships the limiting factor is usually a positive point.  Like a slow burning ember of cozy, practical, predictable. steady relation.  This the steadfast quality we usually are looking for after the earlier the flash fire of hormones burns out.  Venus and the Sun ( Both in dignity being on the ascendant) are mutually aiming for a sextile to Saturn.  Progressing the chart for a few days we see Venus retrograde… this was something I did not want to go through… I had given up any type of love… and Venus under the beams of the sun promised pain (and there was some as I am learning to deal with myself and past mistakes)  The path is through the 12th house, and there has been confronting (Sun shining a light on) of behavior… mostly on my part.  Who gets to Saturn first?  Cazimi conjunction to Saturn… Venus (me) is in the Heart of the Sun (him)  Venus is encouraged to act as herself with the warmth and protection of the Sun… they are one unit of mutual love and respect as they hit that steady place promised by Saturn (Saturnalia  The harvest after hard work and overcoming difficulties/ lessons learned and a graduation.)  Additionally, I should point out Eros conjunct Saturn *wink*.   I could not have imagined this is what I would find, yet did know I would.

The Moon in the 3rd house is lacking aspects except conjunct the Part of Fortune.  Not mentioned above, the Moon is conjunct my Natal Moon.  The South Node is a – 2 conjunction.  Being this is a relationship type chart, I am apt to take the interpretation of that which is known and comfortable/ possible past life connection.  If nothing else, with the PoF it is a strong destiny connection.  Travel may be an additional factor other than the strong placement of communication and nurturing as the strong characteristics. Note the Moon placement is close to the IC cusp.  There is a feeling of being at home with each other whether literally or figuratively.  The Moon makes a supportive sextile to Neptune conjunct Juno (A strong Spiritual connection and an immediate belief we belong together.)

Saturn being the planet being applied to and in the 10th house, we should expect that career and possibly working in partnership is a real possibility.  Natally, we both have 12th house placements which keeps us out of the spot light, but together there is an expectation the relation has public eyes on it… and that has happened, even if only here for the whole wide WWW to read this blog.

There is some friction in the chart, but not very strong when including personal, composite charts to overlay on this one.

I can say this chart frightened me, as have all the other ones… composite, Davison, personas, progressed, Arc Directions, profections… even Astrocartography… they all say the same thing.    And after fighting the fears I can say I never been more content.


When I saw you I fell in love. And you smiled because you knew.~ Arrigo Boito



Astrology, the best gift I ever gave myself

Celebrating the Holidays

I make no bones about it; I am as messed up as the next guy.  We all have our quirks instilled upon our first breath… And lucky us, it is recorded there in the Natal chart.  Though there maybe multiple ways to interpret every situation, Astrology allows us to own our own projections.  Every reaction we have to others is a direct reflection of how we filter our own issues.

It is no surprise that I work with relationship Astrology. having  intercepted houses in the Acsendant/Decendant.  Venus (planet of value and assigned love itself) is trapped in Aquarius in the first (house of self) as is Saturn and the Anti-Vertex.  Leo is intercepted in the seventh (house of partner) with the Vertex.  Sigh, PofF and PofS are on the Decendant.  Juno and Pallas conjunct the MC along with Neptune.  Lets break this down.

Aquarius and Leo are the them and me pair.  They are sandwiched in the first and seventh…the me and them houses.  Relating to others has always been a mystery for me.  Childhood presented mixed messages that never felt right.  I could go through the motions but have always felt detached.  Looking at the rulers of those houses for relief there is Saturn in Aquarius… locked in that interception.Saturn has only one aspect, an ironic square to the MC and Neptune… could it get worse?  Why yes, the Sabian Symbol is, ” A Disappointed And Disillusioned Woman Courageously Faces A Seemingly Empty Life”.  With Modern Astrology the ruler is Uranus… and still not promising as it is on the cusp of eighth (others resources and psychological deaths cycles) conjunct Pluto. opposed Chiron, and the leg and Apex of two YODs.  Encyclopedia of Astrology gives Virgo 11 degree to Astrology, so maybe that is a clue.  Nicholas deVore also gives the degrees of the vertex and anti-vertex as Astrology degrees … Alan Leo goes one step further giving 27 degree of Leo the degree of the reincarnated Astrologer.  Leo is ruled by the Sun which is hidden in my twelfth house.with a lunar opposition and the base to a Tsquare.  The ruler is Saturn so again on that never-ending merry-go-round. Jupiter could be the break away with that Tsquare and it drags along Venus (her only aspect other than the YODS) with a sextile and acting out of the interception.  For a strong willed individual it is embarrassing to see Juno, Pallas,Neptune all conjunct on the MC.  Yes, I am a career wife (watch out Elizabeth Taylor, I may break your record)  A partnership is the focus of who I am… insult to injury the Part of Fortune and Part of Spirit on the DC (the partner)  But I can not seem to get it right!  I am giving that to Neptune in being involved with dishonesty, drugs, and delusion from partners.  What easier way to stay detached?

It is all of it, not one nice and neat slice.  I have plenty of issues to work through.  And usually that is the last place we look, at ourselves when pursuing a relationship.  Our primordial need to relate over shadows our logic.  When asked, “when will I meet my soulmate?” my answer is, “are you the person you would look for in a soulmate?”  We have our own internal world to contend with, are you ready to offer your best you?  And more important are you ready to accept them as they are?  I should listen to myself.

I am fortunate to have found my best friend.  There are rough spots and when I mentally retract the finger pointing at him and look to why I have a reaction, always the problem has been me all along.  Astrology is the vehicle I am using to understand the me that is mirrored back.  The interception is opening up when finally getting I see me in you. And most important, to love you I must love me and to love me I must love you.

Neptune, sigh Neptune



Neptune: Nobel, Spiritual, Ecclesiastic, Religious, Soul and Spirit, Truth, Psychic, Compassion, Altruistic, Chaste, Pure, Exulted, Idealism, Visions, Dreams

Comes in like the flood
And it seems like religion ~ Eurythmics

Neptune: Altered States, Drugs, Destitute, Acting, Obsessions

“And love love love
Is a dangerous drug
You have to receive it
And you still can’t
Get enough of the stuff” ~ Eurythmics

Neptune: Lies, Deception, Hidden, Escapism, Distortion, Illusions, Delusions, Fantasy, Dissoving

“It’s guilt edged
Glamorous and sleek by design
You know it’s jealous by nature
False and unkind
It’s hard and restrained
And it’s totally cool
It touches and it teases
As you stumble in the debris” ~ Eurythmics

Neptune transits or placements: All of the above

“It’s noble and it’s brutal
It distorts and deranges
And it wrenches you up
And you’re left like a zombie” ~ Eurythmics

Over and over in Astrological texts you will find warnings about Neptune. Heed them well and then enjoy the ride. There are some tricks with this planet of trickery. Keep things honest and transparent to achieve the highest of highs. And as a reminder, we are human incarnate, remember to bring the love earthbound.   <—- Love is a Stranger by Eurythmics

The Relationship Charts



The Relationship Charts

A great number of charts can be used to dissect relationships. There are so many out there that one is tempted to believe anyone of them holds the answers we seek and it is a preference of choosing which one to use to interpret how a relationship will play out. So many factors must first be taken into consideration, first of all the Natal charts of the individuals. The Natal chart holds the natal promise, no other chart will contradict what is found in the Natal. If the Natal does not say it is so, it isn’t going to happen no matter how many other charts you try to find solutions. The other important thing to remember is the maturity of the individual. Every sign, house, aspect has it’s positive and negative traits and it is up to the individual to proceed in the manner that they do and what lessons life has had to offer in order for them to integrate the desired outcome and the perception that is chosen.

Natal Chart: Chart that is cast for the individual for the birthdate, time, and location. This chart, as mentioned above, is the most important. This is a record of the person themselves. There is no sense in looking at other charts for how a person will treat you when the core of their being will say it all.

Synastry Chart: Chart that is cast with both individual charts overlaying each other with the degrees of both matching each other. This gives an idea on how the individuals will interact with each other. It shows the relationships of each planet to the others and in which houses they are activated.

Composite Chart: Chart that uses the same planet to same planet midpoints. It is considered a birth chart of the relationship itself. Signs themselves are not a consideration; it is the aspects and the houses that are occupied that tell the story. Usually a strong Composite is not a scattered chart; the majority of the planets will lie in a few houses. Progressed Composites can be made from the progressed individual Natals.

Davison Chart: Chart that is more like a Natal Chart of the relationship than the Composite chart. The Davison is created using time and space and gives a birth coordinate for the chart. Synastrys can be made with the Davison and the individual to see how they interact with the relationship. Outside individuals, such as a child, a parent, a boss, an ex will be impacted by the relationship with a synastry applied. This is the ideal chart to work with transits and what is happening within the relationship. With this chart, signs are also important and the way to read it is by using the Lord of the Cusps to tell the story about the house.

There are more that can and should be used, but these are the basics. Be sure to check with your Astrologer for findings with the Vertex, Antiscion, and other points and asteroids.